The VALLEY® Cushion is the leading pain-management system that will help with:
Post-operative Care – Surgical Wounds
After Birth Care – Episiotomies – Tears and Bruising
APER – Rectal Surgery
Perineal Radiotherapy Reactions
Prolapse – Haemorrhoids – Coccyx Pain – and other Perineal Conditions
Unlike other inferior cushions; The VALLEY® Cushion promotes blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and wound repair meaning a quicker healing rate.
The VALLEY® Cushion is widely used within the NHS including Colorectal/Stoma Care, Oncology, Radiotherapy Care, and Postnatal Care. Service providers find that the majority of their patients suffering perineal pain and discomfort benefit from using The VALLEY® Cushion.
Here is what one Senior Occupational Therapist said about The VALLEY® Cushion:
“This cushion offers a positional level of support which is unique. The majority of cushions are a solid square, whether gel-filled or foam, and any patient who has severe pubic area pain cannot tolerate these other cushions. This gives them the freedom to go out and sit down elsewhere.”
We now have a stockiest in Ireland. Click here to be re-directed.
VALLEY® is a registered trademark of UT Care Products Ltd